-= The Unofficial DOOM, DOOM II and Final DOOM IWAD Patch =- https://kippykip.com/threads/the-unofficial-doom-doom-ii-and-final-doom-iwad-patch-release-thread.5075/ Inspired by the Unofficial mod patches done to Besthesda games, I thought I could do the same for the original DOOM Trilogy. (Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom). Since they're my favourite games of all time. Plus I've had a few moments when playing Zandronum where the server hoster has earlier WAD versions, booting all players off when it goes to a certain level for example. Then there's the differences between the Unity port too, so I figured I could make an ultimate compatibily fix WAD. It should be compatible on all sourceports and the original vanilla executables, which includes the original DOS and Doom95 ports. ...Although that probably puts this PWAD is probably in a bit of a grey area? As it uses quite many of the original assets, as well as community made fixes, but I don't a much better way of applying these fixes in an easy to apply manner. To use these on Doomseeker hosted servers, point the WAD paths to this url: https://cdn.kippykip.com/bin/wads/extra/unofficial_patches/PWAD/ Special thanks to everyone involved with these: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/62403-doom-2-minor-sprite-fixing-project-v20-release-updated-112822/ https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/music/plutmidi https://tcrf.net/Doom_(PC,_1993)/Revisional_Differences https://tcrf.net/Doom_II:_Hell_on_Earth_(PC)/Revisional_Differences https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Final_Doom https://doomwiki.org/wiki/TNT.WAD https://doomwiki.org/wiki/PLUTONIA.WAD ############################### # doom_unofficialpatch_r1.wad #: ############################### + Compatible with DOOM IWAD's 1.0-1.9 + Compatible with ULTIMATE DOOM IWAD 1.9 + Compatible with DOOM II's IWAD's 1.666-1.9 + Compatible with Bethesda Re-Release IWADS (Also uncensors the red cross health pickups). + Compatible with Zandronum making players with any different revisions able to join the same game without any sync issues (in theory). + Compatible with Doom95. There is also a second "unofficialpatch_r1_full8sprites.wad" file included, however the original source code needs to be modified in vanilla to restore the 8 rotational sprites unearthed by John Romero. It is compatible on pretty much all regular community DOOM Sourceports though! Here's the changelog: REV 1: * Applied community made sprite fixes WAD. Which includes fixing offsets on almost all the sprites, fixing the Barron of Hell hoof colours, the pinky orange dots and more! * All Ultimate DOOM maps that were updated between 1.0 and 1.9 are now the 1.9 version (E1M1, E1M2, E1M3, E1M4, E1M5, E1M6, E1M7, E1M8, E2M1, E2M2, E2M4, E2M5, E2M6, E2M7, E3M1, E3M3, E3M4, E3M6, E3M9, E4M1). * Re-exported E1M1 to prevent visual glitches known and to keep Ultimate Doom's secret switch update. * Restored DOOM's censored E1M4 Swastika easter egg. * Ultimate DOOM's E4M3's has two broken secrets on the torch decoration sectors, they have been removed entirely. * The stuck spectre in the wall on E1M6 has been readjusted to be unstuck. * 1.9 STBAR is carried over as 1.1 and below used two different graphic lumps for the status bar. * DOOM II's Super Shotgun is spawnable using IDKFA on Ultimate DOOM. * All DOOM II maps that were updated between 1.7 and 1.9 are now the 1.9 version (MAP03, MAP05, MAP11, MAP14, MAP15, MAP17, MAP18, MAP24, MAP25, MAP28, MAP29, MAP31, MAP32). * DOOM II maps that had THING realignment issues when the devs reshifted around MAP01, MAP02 has been redone and resolved properly. * The Bethesda Re-Releases MAP06 red door crash fix has been brought here. * DOOM II's MAP08 has the exit room teleporter update, only seen in the retail GBA DOOM II port. * DOOM II's MAP14's 1.9 missing wall texture from the sector height change has been fixed. * DOOM II's MAP15 100% secrets issue with the teleporter has been fixed. * DOOM II's MAP31 duplicate on the same coordinate pinky demon THING has been removed. * DOOM II's MAP31 west room trees with no tags have been restored correctly to display on all difficulties. * DOOM II's Wolfenstien SS sprites with the pink pixels have been fixed. ############################## # tnt_unofficialpatch_r1.wad #: ############################## + Compatible with either two FINAL DOOM: Evilution TNT wads. + Compatible with Bethesda Re-Release IWADS (Also uncensors the red cross health pickups). + Compatible with Zandronum making players with any different revisions able to join the same game without any sync issues (in theory). + Compatible with Doom95. Here's the changelog: REV 1: * Applied community made sprite fixes WAD. Which includes fixing offsets on almost all the sprites, fixing the Barron of Hell hoof colours, the pinky orange dots and more! * Fixed the broken bass for MAP02 and MAP15's music MUS lumps. * All TNT maps that were updated between the original and the Anthology release are now the Anthology releases maps MAP10, MAP31). Fixing the infamous MAP31 Yellow Key only spawns on deathmatch bug. * Added a forth demo DEMO4 to prevent a crash on the original Final Doom 1.9 executable. ################################### # plutonia_unofficialpatch_r1.wad #: ################################### + Compatible with either of the two official FINAL DOOM: Plutonia wads. + Compatible with Bethesda Re-Release IWADS (Also uncensors the red cross health pickups). + Compatible with Zandronum making players with any different revisions able to join the same game without any sync issues (in theory). + Compatible with Doom95. Here's the changelog: REV 1: * Applied community made sprite fixes WAD. Which includes fixing offsets on almost all the sprites, fixing the Barron of Hell hoof colours, the pinky orange dots and more! * Applied community made MIDI pack. However I've additionally converted it to .MUS format so it's compatible on the Doom95 port. * All Plutonia maps that were updated between the original and the Anthology release are now the Anthology releases maps MAP12, MAP23). Fixing the missing deathmatch starts. * Added a forth demo DEMO4 to prevent a crash on the original Final Doom 1.9 executable.